Rollin' With My Babies!

Rollin' With My Babies!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Little Boy, Here's Something Called Food

This weekend, Will officially turned 4 months old. Since he was about three months and one week old, he started to give me the "hungry" look every time I ate in front of him. He smacked his lips like a little fish; and about a week ago (as soon as he found his hands), he even started grabbing at any food nearby. I really don't think I remember the girls ever being this excited to start eating solids.

But, then again, he's my little man. Men like FOOD.

So, now that he's four months old, I have started him on rice cereal. He only "took" about four spoonfuls, but he did well. He didn't immediately thrust the cereal out, and he really seemed to "chew" it, which is a good thing. No gagging, just rice cereal-ly (is that a word? If not, I just invented it) cuteness.

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